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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) classifies various mental illnesses and disorders. Mental health professionals use it nationwide to categorize and diagnose individuals seeking treatment. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are closely related, but they are not the same thing. Alcohol abuse can be a precursor to alcoholism, but not everyone who abuses...

Ten percent of Americans who drink excessively are classified as alcoholics, according to Reuters. Knowing the difference between alcoholic vs. alcoholism enables you to determine whether seeking professional treatment is necessary. In some cases, alcohol abuse may be managed through lifestyle changes rather than therapy or other treatment methods. What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol...

Alcohol-induced oxidative stress and inflammation have also been linked to flare-ups of skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and rosacea. If you’re an athlete or someone who likes to hit the gym to build muscle mass, you may want to reconsider your weekly happy hour consumption. But just because a drink has a lower ABV (alcohol...
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